“Where you invest your love, you invest your life ”

It all happens so darn fast.
I used to to think I would live forever. Those endless childhood days, they went on and on and on. I felt invincible, with a brain that could not compute an end. As an adult, and especially in recent years after a Lymphoma diagnosis, I've discovered that, well, it's just not so. As much as we'd like to stop time, the days tick-tock on by. Seasons change, children grow, and we are spectators to the beautiful, ever-changing story as it unfolds. We hold our babies and spouses tight, wondering how we got so lucky and trying to live in the moment as much as possible in this hectic whirlwind we are living. If you're like me, I spend so much of my time wondering how did I get here, when did I become a grown up, what is this wrinkle, why are my baby's legs so long?
This is why I have the absolute best job ever. You guys, I've figured it out. I get to freeze time. I get to capture the moments that we all want to last forever. It is truly an absolute joy and privilege to be with my Northern Virginia families during new beginnings and love on their memories right alongside. After a decade in this crazy business, I've found that while I fill your homes with story-telling images, you fill my heart up to the very brim. It's the absolute best partnership.